Source code for compas_rrc.project

from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import ROSmsg
from compas_rrc.common import FeedbackLevel
from compas_rrc.common import ExecutionLevel

__all_ = ['CustomInstruction']

[docs]class CustomInstruction(ROSmsg): """Custom instruction is a call that calls a custom RAPID instruction. The name has to match to a ``RAPID`` procedure. RAPID Instruction: CustomInstruction """ def __init__(self, name, string_values=[], float_values=[], feedback_level=FeedbackLevel.NONE, exec_level=ExecutionLevel.ROBOT): self.instruction = name self.feedback_level = feedback_level # self.exec_level = ExecutionLevel.ROBOT self.exec_level = exec_level self.string_values = string_values self.float_values = float_values