Source code for compas_rrc.utility

from compas.geometry import Frame
from compas_fab.backends.ros.messages import ROSmsg

from compas_rrc.common import ExecutionLevel
from compas_rrc.common import ExternalAxes
from compas_rrc.common import FeedbackLevel
from compas_rrc.common import RobotJoints


__all__ = ['Noop',

def is_rapid_none(val):
    """In RAPID, None values are expressed as 9E+9, they end up as 8999999488 in Python"""
    return int(val) == 8999999488

[docs]class Noop(ROSmsg): """No-op is a call without any effect. But like all other instructions it makes a roundtrip from the user code to the robot and back. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # Noop done = abb.send_and_wait(rrc.Noop()) RAPID Instruction: ``none`` .. include:: ../abb-reference.rst """
[docs] def __init__(self, feedback_level=FeedbackLevel.NONE): """Create a new instance of the instruction. Parameters ---------- feedback_level : :obj:`int` Defines the feedback level requested from the robot. Defaults to :attr:`FeedbackLevel.NONE`. """ self.instruction = INSTRUCTION_PREFIX + 'Noop' self.feedback_level = feedback_level self.exec_level = ExecutionLevel.ROBOT self.string_values = [] self.float_values = []
[docs]class Debug(ROSmsg): """Activate debug mode on any instruction by wrapping it. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # Get joints raw_debug_output = abb.send_and_wait(rrc.Debug(rrc.GetJoints())) # Print received values print(raw_debug_output) """
[docs] def __init__(self, instruction, debug_parser=None): """Initialize a new debug instruction wrapping another instruction. Parameters ---------- instruction : :class:`ROSmsg` Any instruction inheriting from ROS message. debug_parser : callable Function to be used for parsing the feedback. Optional. """ self._instruction = instruction self.debug_parser = debug_parser
@property def msg(self): """Raw message.""" return self._instruction.msg @property def instruction(self): """Name of the instruction.""" return self._instruction.instruction @property def sequence_id(self): """Sequence identifier.""" return self._instruction.sequence_id @sequence_id.setter def sequence_id(self, value): self._instruction.sequence_id = value @property def feedback_level(self): """Feedback level.""" return self._instruction.feedback_level @feedback_level.setter def feedback_level(self, value): self._instruction.feedback_level = value @property def exec_level(self): """Execution level.""" return self._instruction.exec_level @property def string_values(self): """List of string values.""" return self._instruction.string_values @property def float_values(self): """List of float values.""" return self._instruction.float_values
[docs] def parse_feedback(self, result): if self.debug_parser: return self.debug_parser(result) return result
[docs]class GetJoints(ROSmsg): """Get joints is a call that requests the joint values (:class:`RobotJoints`) and the external axes (:class:`ExternalAxes`) of the robot. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # Get joints robot_joints, external_axes = abb.send_and_wait(rrc.GetJoints()) RAPID Instruction: ``CJointT`` .. include:: ../abb-reference.rst """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Create a new instance of the instruction.""" self.instruction = INSTRUCTION_PREFIX + 'GetJoints' self.feedback_level = FeedbackLevel.DONE self.exec_level = ExecutionLevel.ROBOT self.string_values = [] self.float_values = []
[docs] def parse_feedback(self, result): """Parses the result as :class:`RobotJoints` and :class:`ExternalAxes`. Return ------ :class:`RobotJoints`, :class:`ExternalAxes` Current joints and external axes of the robot. """ # read robot joints robot_joints = [result['float_values'][i] for i in range(0, 6)] # read external axes external_axes = [result['float_values'][i] for i in range(6, 12) if not is_rapid_none(result['float_values'][i])] # write result return RobotJoints(*robot_joints), ExternalAxes(*external_axes)
[docs]class GetRobtarget(ROSmsg): """Instruction to request the current robtarget defined as frame (:class:`compas.geometry.Frame`) and external axes (:class:`ExternalAxes`) of the robot. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # Get frame and external axes frame, external_axes = abb.send_and_wait(rrc.GetRobtarget()) RAPID Instruction: ``CRobT`` .. include:: ../abb-reference.rst """
[docs] def __init__(self): """Create a new instance of the instruction.""" self.instruction = INSTRUCTION_PREFIX + 'GetRobtarget' self.feedback_level = FeedbackLevel.DONE self.exec_level = ExecutionLevel.ROBOT self.string_values = [] self.float_values = []
[docs] def parse_feedback(self, result): """Parses the result as a :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` and :class:`ExternalAxes`. Return ------ :class:`compas.geometry.Frame`, :class:`ExternalAxes` Current frame and external axes of the robot. """ # read pos x = result['float_values'][0] y = result['float_values'][1] z = result['float_values'][2] pos = [x, y, z] # read orient orient_q1 = result['float_values'][3] orient_q2 = result['float_values'][4] orient_q3 = result['float_values'][5] orient_q4 = result['float_values'][6] orientation = [orient_q1, orient_q2, orient_q3, orient_q4] # read gantry joints external_axes = [result['float_values'][i] for i in range(7, 13) if not is_rapid_none(result['float_values'][i])] # write result # As compas frame result = Frame.from_quaternion(orientation, point=pos) # End return result, ExternalAxes(*external_axes)
[docs]class GetFrame(GetRobtarget): """Instruction to request the current frame (:class:`compas.geometry.Frame`) of the robot. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # Get frame frame = abb.send_and_wait(rrc.GetFrame()) RAPID Instruction: ``CRobT`` .. include:: ../abb-reference.rst """
[docs] def parse_feedback(self, result): """Parses the result as a :class:`compas.geometry.Frame`. Return ------ :class:`compas.geometry.Frame` Current frame of the robot. """ frame, _ext_axes = super(GetFrame, self).parse_feedback(result) return frame
[docs]class SetAcceleration(ROSmsg): """Set acceleration is a call that sets the acc- and deceleration of the robot. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # Set acceleration acc = 100 # Unit [%] ramp = 100 # Unit [%] done = abb.send_and_wait(rrc.SetAcceleration(acc, ramp)) RAPID Instruction: ``AccSet`` .. include:: ../abb-reference.rst """
[docs] def __init__(self, acc, ramp, feedback_level=FeedbackLevel.NONE): """Create a new instance of the instruction. Parameters ---------- acc : :obj:`float` Acceleration or deceleration expressed in percentage of the system parameters of the robot. ramp : :obj:`float` The rate at which acceleration or deceleration changes expressed in percentage. feedback_level : :obj:`int` Defines the feedback level requested from the robot. Defaults to :attr:`FeedbackLevel.NONE`. """ self.instruction = INSTRUCTION_PREFIX + 'SetAcceleration' self.feedback_level = feedback_level self.exec_level = ExecutionLevel.ROBOT self.string_values = [] self.float_values = [acc, ramp]
[docs]class SetTool(ROSmsg): """Set tool is a call that sets a predefined tool in the robot as active. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # Set tool done = abb.send_and_wait(rrc.SetTool('tool0')) RAPID Instruction: ``tooldata`` .. include:: ../abb-reference.rst """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool_name, feedback_level=FeedbackLevel.NONE): """Create a new instance of the instruction. Parameters ---------- tool_name : :obj:`str` Name of the tool as defined in RAPID. feedback_level : :obj:`int` Defines the feedback level requested from the robot. Defaults to :attr:`FeedbackLevel.NONE`. """ self.instruction = INSTRUCTION_PREFIX + 'SetTool' self.feedback_level = feedback_level self.exec_level = ExecutionLevel.ROBOT self.string_values = [tool_name] self.float_values = []
[docs]class SetMaxSpeed(ROSmsg): """Set max speed is a call that sets the override and maximal tool center point (TCP) speed from the robot. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # Set max speed override = 100 # Unit [%] max_tcp = 2500 # Unit [mm/s] done = abb.send_and_wait(rrc.SetMaxSpeed(override, max_tcp)) RAPID Instruction: ``VelSet`` .. include:: ../abb-reference.rst """
[docs] def __init__(self, override, max_tcp, feedback_level=FeedbackLevel.NONE): """Create a new instance of the instruction. Parameters ---------- override : :obj:`float` Internal speed override expressed in percentage. This override is additional to the one that can be defined on the robot panel. It is recommended to use only one of them, preferably the one on the robot panel, and leave this to 100%. max_tcp : :obj:`float` Maximum tool center point (TCP) speed expressed in mm/sec. All instructions following a ``SetMaxSpeed`` are affected by it. feedback_level : :obj:`int` Defines the feedback level requested from the robot. Defaults to :attr:`FeedbackLevel.NONE`. """ self.instruction = INSTRUCTION_PREFIX + 'SetMaxSpeed' self.feedback_level = feedback_level self.exec_level = ExecutionLevel.ROBOT self.string_values = [] self.float_values = [override, max_tcp]
[docs]class SetWorkObject(ROSmsg): """Set work object is a call that sets a predefined work object in the robot as active. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # Set work object done = abb.send_and_wait(rrc.SetWorkObject('wobj0')) RAPID Instruction: ``wobjdata`` .. include:: ../abb-reference.rst """
[docs] def __init__(self, wobj_name, feedback_level=FeedbackLevel.NONE): """Create a new instance of the instruction. Parameters ---------- wobj_name : :obj:`str` Name of the work object as defined in RAPID. feedback_level : :obj:`int` Defines the feedback level requested from the robot. Defaults to :attr:`FeedbackLevel.NONE`. """ self.instruction = INSTRUCTION_PREFIX + 'SetWorkObject' self.feedback_level = feedback_level self.exec_level = ExecutionLevel.ROBOT self.string_values = [wobj_name] self.float_values = []
[docs]class Stop(ROSmsg): """Stop is a function to stop the associated motion task of the robot. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # Stop done = abb.send_and_wait(rrc.Stop()) RAPID Instruction: ``Stop`` .. include:: ../abb-reference.rst """
[docs] def __init__(self, feedback_level=FeedbackLevel.NONE): """Create a new instance of the instruction. Parameters ---------- feedback_level : :obj:`int` Defines the feedback level requested from the robot. Defaults to :attr:`FeedbackLevel.NONE`. """ self.instruction = INSTRUCTION_PREFIX + 'Stop' self.feedback_level = feedback_level self.exec_level = ExecutionLevel.ROBOT self.string_values = [] self.float_values = []
[docs]class WaitTime(ROSmsg): """Wait time is a call that will wait on the robot task for a certain time. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python # Wait time time = 1.0 # Unit [s] done = abb.send_and_wait(rrc.WaitTime(time)) RAPID Instruction: ``WaitTime`` .. include:: ../abb-reference.rst """
[docs] def __init__(self, time, feedback_level=FeedbackLevel.NONE): """Create a new instance of the instruction. Parameters ---------- time : :obj:`float` Duration of the wait expressed in seconds. feedback_level : :obj:`int` Defines the feedback level requested from the robot. Defaults to :attr:`FeedbackLevel.NONE`. """ self.instruction = INSTRUCTION_PREFIX + 'WaitTime' self.feedback_level = feedback_level self.exec_level = ExecutionLevel.ROBOT self.string_values = [] self.float_values = [time]